
Welcome to my blog. This is where I provide family tech tips, reviews and resources for parents and families. Hope you have a nice stay! 


Mi proyecto esta primavera con Home Depot #DigIn

It’s a new season and the best time to start getting things in order.

As I wrote in my previous post, I was a big time procrastinator and disliked everything about having to sit down, go through files and purging them.  The same was true for photos.  Although I love taking them, sharing them and how it brings friends and family together during those special moments, I often dreaded sifting through them and put them where they belong.

But on a positive note, it is never too late to start organizing and backing up your photos.  Follow the tips below, you too can continue to capture those memorable moments without skipping a beat.

  1. Always transfer your pictures.  This should be the first thing you do after taking pictures.  It is as easy as 1,2,3, just connect and download. Never leave your photos on your memory card as they can easily get damaged, get lost or not provide you with enough space when trying to capture those special moments.
  2. Go to the cloud.  Never leave your photos on your computer.  If you want to make sure you are storing your pictures in a safe place and can get to them no matter where you are, consider storing them in the cloud.  Accounts such as DropboxSmugMugPicasa (the latter two allow you to make your photos private if you wish) are excellent places to upload yourpictures securely.
  3. Keep your photos on an external hard drive.  If you want to move your photos off of your computer but don’t want to save them in the cloud or simply want to store them elsewhere, a portable external drive allows is a perfect solution.
  4. Always label and organize your pictures into folders.  Don’t just dump your pics into in one folder and spend hours sifting through looking for the one.  Take the time to properly label your photos with names, dates, locations, etc and organize them into folders accordingly.
  5. Always stay up-to-date.  It is imperative that you update and back up your photos regularly and accordingly.

#DigIn: Preparandome para mi proyecto con Home Depot {Parte 1}

Sesame Place April 2013: What's New!