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4 Ways To Prep For A Stress-Free Move

4 Ways To Prep For A Stress-Free Move

When my husband and I moved into our home thirteen years ago, we hit the jackpot. We moved into a brand-new construction, allowing us to make a fresh start without stressing about having to get work done or finding a reputable contractor.

We did, however, find ourselves a bit stressed at the moving part of the process. It was exhausting and overwhelming, to say the least. We did not plan accordingly and ended up bringing a lot of stuff we didn’t need or want into our new home. Making the process of moving in and settling that much longer and stressful.

So with that in mind, the entire moving process should be one where you work by smarter, not harder. Using the tools readily available to you, via a very reliable Internet provider, your move can be a very smooth, stress-free process, especially if you keep these four tips in mind.

  1. Before the move. Be sure to make a list of what you will be doing yourself (painting, decorating) and what you will hire the pros for (electrical, gutting the basement, etc.). Use services like HomeAdvisor for any repairs or work you would like to get done. Evernote is a great note-taking service that can help you keep all your matters in one place.
  2. Know what you're packing. Moving is one of the best times to get your affairs in order and purge, organize and donate what you do not plan on bringing into your new digs. The moving van app allows you to take inventory of the contents in each and every box you pack. Making it easier for you (or the movers) to place things where they belong.
  3. Use an app for that! Sortly is a great organizing app that helps keeps an inventory of all your belongings without missing a beat
  4. Know which services can move with you. Make a list of all your current services and find out which ones you can easily transfer over to your new address. Best thing to do is start with your Internet service, so you and your family have access ASAP. Services like FiOS makes it easy to set up or transfer your existing service. All you will need to do is find out if FiOS is available in your new neighborhood. They even have a printable checklist to make things easier.

It is important to take advantage of the technology that is readily available to make sure your move is as seamless as possible. This way you can focus on what matters.


Disclosure: This is a sponsored post as a part of a campaign I’m doing with Verizon FiOS in New York. 

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