An App to Help Busy Parents Get Their Time Back
Like all busy families, finding the time to decompress and get your thoughts in order when juggling schedules, commitments, kids and all the other unexpected curve balls can be more than a bit daunting.
Keeping my boys engaged and active are a priority for us. My eight-year-old dreams of being a paleontologist looking to discover the last dinosaur and my four-year-old is a superhero looking to save the day.
While they are off on their adventures, I find myself trying to fit everything into that sliver of time in which they aren’t hanging on my coattails. I end up accomplishing very little, as I feel I’m swimming against the current getting sucked into the vicious juggling cycle more tasks than I can take on.
So, in our quest to find balance and sanity, my husband and I decided to enlist the help of Picniic. A family assistant that helps families become more organized and productive, which to me, is everything every parent wants to accomplish.
So far, we have been using Picniic some weeks now and will say it has helped bring some calm to the chaos in our lives. Bringing all of our family activities and tasks and keeping them all in one place, and accessible to all is just what we needed. And although things are still super busy in our home, both my husband and I both find Picniic has provided us with a big picture view of our lives that we’ve been missing. We are much better at making sure everyone knows when the deadlines are scheduled, and appointments and events are made.
I found, the meal planner to be essential for us as it helps take the guesswork out of what’s for dinner. The shared grocery lists ensure we are only making one trip to the grocery store, freeing up enough time for ourselves and as a family.
Picniic is a first of its kind, created by a family for families. It is an easy-to-use product for managing and simplifying family life. If you would like to give Picniic a try, it is available to download for free at, the App Store, and Google Play. Keep in mind, premium features, including the meal planner, and encrypted info locker, and much more, are available with an annual subscription for the whole family at $49.99 or a pay-as-you-go monthly fee of $14.99.