
Welcome to my blog. This is where I provide family tech tips, reviews and resources for parents and families. Hope you have a nice stay! 


#StreamTeam: Beating Cabin Fever

Over the last few years, winters in the Northeast have been a bit on the brutal side. And having two young boys in the house means finding ways to keep them entertained and myself sane for the duration of this bitterly cold season.

With our insane weekday schedule, we watch little to no TV. But on the weekends when it is simply just too cold and crappy to go our mini-adventures we take advantage of enjoying quality family time together. We tend to spend our time doing a lot of reading and reenacting, crafting up a storm using amazing tutorials on Pinterest or simply watching what's on Netflix.

This month my boys have indulged in the Netflix original series of The Adventures of Puss in Boots and have been showing off their swashbuckling moves to save the Town of San Ricardo.

Here are the movies and shows they have been watching:

  1. Clifford's Puppy Days
  2. The Adventures of Milo and Otis
  3. Snow Buddies
  4. Jumanji
  5. Octonauts
  6. Lego Marvel Super Heroes: Maximum Overload

What's on your Netflix watchlist

2016 Will Be My Year to Live In the Moment And Without Interruptions

2016 Will Be My Year to Live In the Moment And Without Interruptions

#SteamTeam: A New Year of Continued Family Adventures

#SteamTeam: A New Year of Continued Family Adventures