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Give the Gift of #VerizonFiOS This Holiday

Give the Gift of #VerizonFiOS This Holiday

With the holidays nipping at our heels, finding the perfect gift for family members can be quite difficult.

What should you get them?

I say make an impression by giving your loved one's gifts that will allow them to improve their connectivity with a gift that will keep on giving.  


Because we can easily spend a few hundred dollars on a gift we hope they will like, instead, give them a gift they will love for years to come.

If you have family members who are already Verizon FiOS customers gifting added amenities to their already great service will keep you off  their naughty list for years to come. If they live in an area where FiOS service is available, why not give them the gift of reliability, the fastest Internet+WiFi, and amazing HD picture quality, all in a nice bundle.

If they are already happily connected, then consider other gifts, like those that will keep their homes safe, enhance their listening pleasures or even keep them fit.

  1. The gift of FiOS Triple Play. Since finding out FiOS is now available in my mother’s neighborhood, and since she is always complaining about not being able to connect and read her newspapers or send emails due to connectivity issues, I thought what better way gift than to a  then to get her excellent service at a low price. Spanish language package is what she fancies and having my sibling and I each pay six months isn’t a bad deal.
  2. For existing members, why not the gift of a Wi-Fi extender? Bring an end to dead spots with the gift of a Wi-Fi extender which would receive the Wi-Fi signal from your current router and extends the signal for constant, uninterrupted connectivity
  3. Smarten up their homes. Give the gift of smart home accesses with some nifty devices that can be accessed from a smartphone. 
  4. Enhance their entertainment.  Still undecided? Then consider the gift fun and fitness or audio.  

I consider myself the perfect gift-giver, as I am all about finding something that I know my family members will love.

How about you? What type of gift-giver are you? 

Best Gifts For Kids For Under $100  

Best Gifts For Kids For Under $100  

Halloween Movies for the Entire Family!

Halloween Movies for the Entire Family!